Thursday, March 24, 2011

Annie's First Birthday

Well, Annie may out-grow her milk allergy, but I don't think she will out-grow her love for attention. We started her birthday off by singing Happy Birthday to her in our pajamas. She smiled and laughed as if she knew today was her day!
I had a busy day planned for her, just the way she likes it! We started off going to play with the other kids at the gym. I came out from working out and found her in the middle of 6 other kids, jabbering away...none of them aware of what the other is doing. We came home to find Grandma, always a special treat!
Then came the cupcake fiasco. UNplanned was a run to Broadripple to find a vegan cupcake for Annie. I made 20 vegan cupcakes the night before and Cubbie helped herself to 17 of them, so I didn't want to bother making a whole batch of frosting for three cupcakes. Yep, I thought seriously about serving shish-ka-Cubbie for dinner, but she survived unscathed. I heard that The Flying Cupcake made vegan cakes, so I called first thing in the morning and they said they bake so many for the day and that I should get there right when it opens for the best selection.
So, I drove down and saw they had a deal for a dozen, so I picked out 12 cupcakes: two vegan ones for Annie and a variety for the rest of us. I got to the register and almost died when they told me it would be $43.70! WHAT? I mean I should get a small wedding cake out of it for that price! Do I need to take insurance out on the cupcakes? Are they gold-plated? Anywho.
Then, Annie took a nap with Grandma while Michael and I went a pre-construction meeting on the house we are building. We were shocked (and elated!) to see the foundation already poured when we arrived to meet with the manager on the job!
I got back right as Annie finished up lunch and we took her to the park. She LOVED the swing and the slide. I keep ignoring in my mind every time
Annie wakes up and decides she loves doing something scary like dropping suddenly down a slide or being thrown up in the air or riding high on Daddy's shoulders... but it is time to face the facts. Annie is a dare-devil and I had it coming. I bet my mom hated that I LOVED my first roller coaster ride. But probably not as much as she enjoyed the fact that I went on a missions trip to Beruit one week after it was bombed. And wasn't scared. There is something about motherhood that makes you scared stupid. I mean, last night I shewed Michael in the house because there was a thunderstorm warning in our area, even though he was just running laps around our block and could have made it in the house in 30 seconds if he needed to. Sigh....No one mentions this stuff on A Baby Story.
So after my horrible realization that Annie is going to need her mother to pad her up like a line-backer every time she goes outside, we came home and cooked her favorite meal: turkey goulash. Then, Grandpa and Daddy came and we had our first cupcake and opened presents! It was a sticky mess but lots of fun! I don't think Annie actually liked her vegan cupcake though. And to be honest, I didn't think it tasted very good, but I was happy to have a last-minute substitute for my planned cupcakes!
Annie's first birthday. I can't believe it! I feel really disconnected from reality here. I don't want to believe my little teensy newborn grew up months ago! I love this stage in her life... seeing her little personality continue to blossom, the giggling, the babbling, the running around and learning games, reading stories... it's awesome! Deep down I feel a little bit sad though. Or maybe it's not as much sad as it is a serious realization of the blessing we have been entrusted with. I still can't believe she's mine. It is even more piercing to me because of friends and loved ones who have been unable to have children thus far. I wonder if people who just get pregnant without thinking about it or get pregnant accidentally know just how fortunate they truly are.
So, I ended her birthday with a nice bath to clean off all of the evidence that I had given her chocolate and with a prayer for all of those who don't have an "Annie" but want one so badly. My sweet baby girl, you have brought unspeakable joy to my life and I love you SO very much!

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