Do you remember when you were in school (ANY school... middle, elementary, college... Shoot, I'm sure this is even fun for GRAD students!) and you saw those magical words show up on the screen? "Closed". Oh sweet chocolate covered wonderfulness. Sleeping in, big breakfast, pajama day, games, movies.... nothing but laziness and fun! But now, ohhh but now. It all dawns on me that snow days make mothers crazy. And they are not good for the general health and well being of the public. :o) Now, Annie is not in school so she would be with me all day ordinarily. But usually, I am going to the gym for an hour and a half while I work out and think adult thoughts rather than "Do you need your diaper changed? Yes! That IS a doggie! Good job walking!" Those thoughts are fun and wow do I love Annie! And normally we go to the grocery store or do some kind of errand where Annie is distracted and looking around. And it is nice to not be running all day! But. OOOH big old but. I am going on day three of being inside my apartment, which is messy and cluttery (which drives me NUTS but is so overwhelming to clean that I don't even know where to start!) and I am feeling a little shut in! I can only imagine if Annie were 10 and she had a 7-year-old brother and a 4-year-old sister and they were all tugging on my pantleg wanting something to do and wreaking havoc all through my house. I am beginning to think that somewhere without snow days sounds nice... and without hurricane days. Arizona maybe? Just kidding of course. But man, wouldn't that be nice?

Annie has been growing up so fast! She can make it across our great room without sitting down or toppling over and she seems a lot more confident with her walking than she did even a few days ago. She has also learned that not only can you take things OUT of containers, you can put them IN! Yesterday I caught her trying to stuff clean diapers into the diaper pail, which was so cute! She was trying to help I think! We'll learn about clean and dirty diapers later, but for now I'm chalking this up as a victory! Then, in the bathroom my victory backfired as she started putting my toiletries in the garbage can. Oh well. I mean, when she knows that things can go in, that means she can learn how to put her toys away right?! What is next? Potty training?! Let's do it! Ok. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself....
I made turkey goulash for dinner the other day and she LOVED it! She liked being able to pick up the pasta herself and feed herself, but I was a little surprised because I made it pretty spicy and she gobbled it right down! I guess Annie has a mature pallette and won't be lowering herslf down to one-flavored baby mush anymore. She also can give herself a drink with her sippy cup. It took us a while but I think she has figured out that you have to tilt it up to get the drink out.
We have also been learning about discipline some. I have discovered, thanks to the advice of a good friend, that if I label what I don't want her to do rather than just say "no", she can actually understand. For example, when she goes into the death roll while I change her diaper, I have been saying, "on your back please!" and she does it now! Amazing! But with understanding has come the ability to not obey. So, she decided to do the death roll anyway and I used a very stern voice and said, "No Annie. On your back." To which she replied with a defiant look and a roll to the side. So I did a two-finger slap on her hand and said, "No no Annie. Naughty." And then she giggled and laughed! Oh dear... I am in for it. Even I didn't do that when I was a baby! NOT FAIR!
Annie has been singing, dancing, and babbling almost nonstop. She also thinks that everything is a "doggie". The pen is a doggie, the puffs are doggies, doggie is a doggie... I am pretty excited that she has so many consonant sounds down though. She does baba, dada, mama, doggie, and daddy. Not bad for a 10 month old! She even did a "woof!" once when I was reading a book with a dog in it to her!
Annie has also nearly mastered the art of napping. She starts to get grumpy around 11, I put her in her crib, and then she sleeps for 1 to 2 hours at once! Oh how I LOVE this time. I can get a LOT done in an hour I have discovered. Or I can even take a nap! Yes, this stage definitely has its perks!
Well, here's to hoping that the roads get better soon, otherwise I might be way too excited to go to work this weekend! Nah... I'm sure I'll miss her the moment I start my car. Sigh.

Annie has been growing up so fast! She can make it across our great room without sitting down or toppling over and she seems a lot more confident with her walking than she did even a few days ago. She has also learned that not only can you take things OUT of containers, you can put them IN! Yesterday I caught her trying to stuff clean diapers into the diaper pail, which was so cute! She was trying to help I think! We'll learn about clean and dirty diapers later, but for now I'm chalking this up as a victory! Then, in the bathroom my victory backfired as she started putting my toiletries in the garbage can. Oh well. I mean, when she knows that things can go in, that means she can learn how to put her toys away right?! What is next? Potty training?! Let's do it! Ok. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself....

I made turkey goulash for dinner the other day and she LOVED it! She liked being able to pick up the pasta herself and feed herself, but I was a little surprised because I made it pretty spicy and she gobbled it right down! I guess Annie has a mature pallette and won't be lowering herslf down to one-flavored baby mush anymore. She also can give herself a drink with her sippy cup. It took us a while but I think she has figured out that you have to tilt it up to get the drink out.
We have also been learning about discipline some. I have discovered, thanks to the advice of a good friend, that if I label what I don't want her to do rather than just say "no", she can actually understand. For example, when she goes into the death roll while I change her diaper, I have been saying, "on your back please!" and she does it now! Amazing! But with understanding has come the ability to not obey. So, she decided to do the death roll anyway and I used a very stern voice and said, "No Annie. On your back." To which she replied with a defiant look and a roll to the side. So I did a two-finger slap on her hand and said, "No no Annie. Naughty." And then she giggled and laughed! Oh dear... I am in for it. Even I didn't do that when I was a baby! NOT FAIR!

Annie has been singing, dancing, and babbling almost nonstop. She also thinks that everything is a "doggie". The pen is a doggie, the puffs are doggies, doggie is a doggie... I am pretty excited that she has so many consonant sounds down though. She does baba, dada, mama, doggie, and daddy. Not bad for a 10 month old! She even did a "woof!" once when I was reading a book with a dog in it to her!
Annie has also nearly mastered the art of napping. She starts to get grumpy around 11, I put her in her crib, and then she sleeps for 1 to 2 hours at once! Oh how I LOVE this time. I can get a LOT done in an hour I have discovered. Or I can even take a nap! Yes, this stage definitely has its perks!

Well, here's to hoping that the roads get better soon, otherwise I might be way too excited to go to work this weekend! Nah... I'm sure I'll miss her the moment I start my car. Sigh.
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