I have definitely fallen off the blogger train. I think Annie has changed SO MUCH since I've faithfully blogged last I feel overwhelmed (and too placenta-brained to organize my thoughts well) to the point where I feel like I can't begin to do her little personality justice, let alone have any deep insight or thoughts to provide. But here goes nothin'!
This winter has been weird to say the least... spring-like temperatures and rain totals making our backyard grow more than it did all summer while we carefully watered and nurtured it in record-heat and record-dry weather. However, we have had a couple of snows that stuck around few a day or two and my little snow-bird loved it! Annie got a sled designed just for little tikes her size from Grandma Purse for Christmas and had been dragging it around the house with two or three of her favorite stuffed animals in tow because she didn't know what it was really for. I took her outside for a spin around the block and she giggled and laughed and protested coming in after 45 minutes of pure, frozen-snot-nose goodness and then wanted to go out again as soon as her snowsuit dried.
Annie has also, as two-year-olds tend to do, amazed me with the advances in her ability to be a part of the "big person" world. I love listening to her ramble on... If you aren't paying attention, you might think she is talking on and on about nothing. However, if you ARE paying attention, Annie really has a lot to say. About everything. Annie talks to her chauffeur continually while we are driving. She tells me about trucks and buses and how the wheels on the bus go round and round. Annie loves to break into song randomly during the day. She gets a very serious look on her face and then carefully belts out a tune in the cutest voice you've ever heard. Just try breaking in for a duet though and you will quickly find that she wants to do it "by myself".As far as the pregnancy is going, so far its been smooth sailing. I am starting to get uncomfortable laying down, so sleep is a luxury I'll afford again in a year or two I'm afraid, but other than that, I can't complain! I got a wonderful opportunity to visit my best friend out east (walking distance to Hoboken, NJ) this month. It was so refreshing to spend an entire weekend having adult conversation with another woman. My husband is always amazed that I can go somewhere like that and be happy literally doing nothing. We made ambitious plans to go into the city and see a show, go to fun restaurants and pick up some authentic cheesecake for Michael. However, on the way over, I got really motion-sick (new pilot I think!), threw up all over my winter coat and only pair of preggo jeans I brought, and we ended up changing our plans a little. I ended up not feeling well most of the trip, but we had a blast just walking around Hoboken, popping in and out of shops, coffee/cupcake stores, and just taking her sweet little doggy for a spin around the block. I got to meet a bunch of her friends and saw one of my old friends from high school out at dinner. This was my first time away from Annie, however, so I cried like a baby the entire way out and for the first morning. It oddly made me feel better when I called that morning, against my better judgement (thinking she would panic and starting crying for me when she heard my voice), to find a toddler SO engrossed in her play with Grandma Purse that she didn't even notice I was gone! I watched the superbowl (which was, yes, going on in Indy) while I was miles from NYC. Not only was I relieved not to have to share the same county with a bunch of Patriots fans, but it was also fun to be a part of the excitement around the winning team's celebrations. I have to say, though, that there are no fans like colts fans. I remember the hoopla going on in Indy and even way out in the suburbs and you couldn't even pull into the gas station without seeing something to cheer on our team. I think it is the massive diversity present around NYC, but the signs and sweatshirts were scattered amongst a crowd of people who seemed to have no interest in(and maybe no idea about) the football game. But my favorite part of the whole trip was getting to have heart-to-heart conversations that were raw and real in the way that only two women who trust and love each other can. Thanks for a wonderful weekend Sarah!
*This post was also written mmm... a month ago. Sorry for the late posts!
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