18 weeks
Annie is doing all sorts of fun new things now. Who knew than so much fun would come with an only $11,000 bill? (Yes, that was the actual amount pre-insurance for the hospital stay. And that doesn't even include the doctor's visits or pediatrician or NICU stay!) What is crazier than that bill is that in 25 years when Annie has babies (or whenever) it will seem like pocket change probably. Or maybe we will have a healthcare system that works by then. (Don't get me started...) Annie is doing better and better with tummy time because she loves Cubbie so much! I just park her right in front of the dog and throw the ball while Annie cackles and squeals through her hated tummy time. MUCH better. Annie loves to sit in front of the mirror and admire/laugh at the beautiful, talented, and hilarious baby staring back at her. Annie is definitely crossing over into the oral-fixation stage. Anything she sees goes straight into her mouth. (Even when she sees Cubbie, she chases her with her mouth first and when she can't reach her, THEN she grabs a handful of fur.) It is a daily frustration for her that she can't reach the giraffe on her exersaucer with her mouth. She is in the 84th % for her height and 75% for her weight as of her four month appointment. Now that I have cut out milk and eggs, Annie is happy and tummy-ache free now which is SUCH a blessing!
I decided Annie might do better with a little more routine in her life, which is easier said than done when you work two 12's a week. Even though I only work 2/3 of the hours I used to(at my other job anyway), one day she was waking up really early to go to the sitter's and the next day she was sleeping in until 9:30. As any adult knows who works a weird schedule like nurses do, sleep schedules get thrown off quite a bit when you swing the time you are waking up by 4 hours from one day to the next. So the goal was to shoot for a time that was in between when I have to get up on work days (around 5am) and when I naturally wake up on non-work days (around 8:30). It turns out there is a book written on every opinion on how to put a baby to sleep, ranging from letting her do whatever she wants whenever she wants to putting her down and letting her scream until she falls asleep from exhaustion so many days in a row that she gets used to sleeping during those times. And then there is everything in between as well.
I have opted for the mommy-knows-best method (this week). Sometimes, I put her to sleep and let her cry until she falls asleep, but it has to be the right moment. Her cry can't be passionate or angry; it must gusto and be sort of lazy sounding or this method will not work without a projectile vomit, which leads to changing sheets, a bath, and a very awake, very angry baby. Other times (my favorite times) I just rock her to sleep while singing and when she is mostly asleep, I put her down to let her fall the rest of the way asleep. Those times are few and far between now, as she is getting a bit of an independent streak and doesn't like to cuddle as much. Many times, she falls asleep nursing (especially at night) and then I lay her down. She had to sleep in her carseat for a long time because of her acid reflux and now I am also trying to transition her into the crib, in hopes that she can fall asleep in the pack n play at the sitter's house.
The sleeping issue is harder than I thought it would be. I want to do what is best for her and there really isn't a book titled, "Annie Purse's individualized sleeping prescription". So this is where the hypocrisy begins: I stay up too late reading books that tell me how to make her go to sleep early. Ha. She honestly hasn't ever been a "bad" sleeper. She started sleeping through the night at 11 weeks and whenever she wakes up at night, it is to get a 10 minute feeding and she goes straight back to bed. That is about the same amount of interruption I had from peeing at night while I was pregnant so I am pretty used to that a year later. It has been a year since I have had uninterrupted sleep. That is crazy. And I wouldn't trade Annie for good sleep in a million years.
Work is getting much easier in the sense that I can leave her and feel ok about it. I know she is in good hands and it is good to have conversation every now and then that doesn't involve saying, "la la la la !" or "Did you have a poopy?" or "Do you want some milk?". Bodily functions never were so fascinating... Not that I wouldn't take staying at home in a heartbeat, but this is not an option since we have not yet found a bonsai money tree (which my Aunt Shelley claims to have in her back yard) and healthcare is not optional unless you have a spare $12,000 laying around for the next one! (NO I am NOT pregnant)
On that note, I need to go engage in the masochistic activity known as the 30-day-shred. It does feel better to be working out again, but man. That Jillian is the devil! Until next time...